Adana Akupunktur construction,travel Understanding Deviated Septum: Causes, Symptoms, and Diagnosis

Understanding Deviated Septum: Causes, Symptoms, and Diagnosis

What is a Deviated Septum?

A septum in a deviated septum is the nasal septum or cartilage that divides the inside of your nose into the left and right chambers. 

When the septum deviates from its midline,it causes congestion and difficulty breathing in the smaller chamber. It also causes drying,crusting,or bleeding in the larger chamber.

Common Causes of Deviated Septum

Most people have deviated septums that cause no to minor symptoms. However,there are causes of deviated septums that can cause significant symptoms. The following causes are:


The deviated septum can have developmental causes. It can occur at birth due to genetic factors such as hereditary connective tissue diseases.  

Nose Injury

The deviated septum can also come from traumatic causes. An injury can cause the nasal septum to be displaced to either side. It can happen due to falls,fights,contact sports,automobile incidents,or rough playing. Nasal injuries can also occur in babies due to difficult childbirth. 


A deviated septum is a common condition. As a person grows,the nasal septum can grow to one side than the other. 

Recognizing Deviated Septum Symptoms

A deviated septum can have severe symptoms affecting a person’s everyday life.

The wider chamber of the nose,caused by a deviated septum,is more exposed to air. This exposure can lead to nasal drying,leading to nose bleeds. 

The more constricted chamber,caused by a deviated septum,can result in nasal congestion. The following complications occur with nasal congestion:

  • Recurring sinus infections or sinusitis
  • Sinus pressure
  • Headaches
  • Face pain
  • Noisy breathing
  • Snoring
  • Sleep apnea or difficulty breathing during sleep
  • Difficulty breathing
  • Difficulty breathing can lead to chronic mouth breathing
  • Chronic mouth breathing can lead to a dry mouth

When Should You See a Doctor?

If your symptoms above do not respond to home remedies or over-the-counter medication,you may want to see a doctor to be healthier and live more comfortably. Furthermore,symptoms such as chronic nasal congestion,recurring sinus infections,and frequent nosebleeds require medical consultation.

Diagnosing a Deviated Septum

To diagnose if a person has a deviated septum,your healthcare provider will review your medical history and do a physical examination. If further examination is needed,they may do the following procedures:

Nasal Endoscopy

First,they apply a decongestant spray with lidocaine to prepare your nasal cavity. Lidocaine helps the patient’s comfort with its numbing properties alongside topical anesthesia.

Then,they will use an extended tube scope attached with a bright light and a small camera to look inside. The tube would be connected to a monitor screen.

At the end of the procedure,they will remove the tube and apply a decongestant spray to the nasal cavity again.

CT Scan

If needed,your healthcare provider may recommend a CT scan of the nose. The imaging test can determine the seriousness of the deviated septum and the severity of the symptoms.

After the diagnosis,you may be referred to a sinus surgeon or an ENT specialist. 

How Sinus Surgery Can Help Correct a Deviated Septum

If medical therapy does not alleviate the symptoms you’re experiencing,surgery to correct the deviated septum can be recommended.

Septoplasty involves repositioning and aligning the nasal septum to the center of the nose. With nasal septum correction,the patient can benefit by having proper airflow inside the nasal cavity to alleviate symptoms. 

Depending on the severity of the condition,the surgery can be an outpatient or inpatient procedure that lasts 1-2 hours. In some cases,a surgeon may recommend sinus surgery to minimize sinus infections or rhinoplasty to reshape the nose.

Expert Care and Surgical Solutions at Puget Sound Sinus Center

If you are experiencing chronic sinus disease or nasal obstruction,your healthcare provider may refer you to a sinus surgeon. As the only Fellowship-trained Rhinologist and Endoscopic Skull Base Surgeon worldwide,Amy Anstead,MD,FARS,provides surgical solutions and state-of-the-art techniques to alleviate severe symptoms people experience from deviated septums. 

At Puget Sound Sinus Center,we aim to provide personalized,holistic,patient-centered care for maximum comfort and healing.

A deviated septum can cause a domino effect of symptoms that can interfere with your breathing,sleeping,and health. Having performed thousands of successful complex sinus surgeries,Dr. Anstead has treated patients to a better quality of life around the globe. If you’d like to learn more about deviated septums or other sino-nasal surgeries,click the link below! 

Explore Sinus Surgeries

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Orthodontics is a specialized branch of dentistry that focuses on the diagnosis,prevention,and treatment of dental and facial irregularities. It primarily deals with correcting misaligned teeth and jaws to enhance both the appearance and function of the teeth,improving overall oral health. Orthodontic treatments have come a long way,thanks to advancements in technology and techniques. This article explores the benefits of orthodontic treatment,highlighting the positive impact it can have on individuals’ smiles and overall well-being.


Benefits of Orthodontic Treatment


Improved Aesthetic Appearance:

  • Straighter teeth: Orthodontic treatment aligns crooked or crowded teeth,creating a harmonious and aesthetically pleasing smile.
  • Enhanced facial symmetry: Correcting jaw misalignments can improve facial balance and harmony,enhancing overall facial appearance.
  • Boosted self-confidence: A beautiful smile can significantly impact self-esteem and self-image,leading to improved social interactions and increased confidence.


Enhanced Oral Health:

  • Easier cleaning: Properly aligned teeth are easier to clean,reducing the risk of plaque buildup,tooth decay,and gum disease.
  • Reduced risk of dental injuries: Protruding or misaligned teeth are more susceptible to trauma during accidents or sports activities. Orthodontic treatment can address these issues,reducing the risk of dental injuries.
  • Alleviated jaw pain and discomfort: Orthodontic treatment can correct bite problems,relieving the strain on jaw joints and alleviating associated pain or discomfort.


Improved Chewing and Speech:

  • Corrected bite alignment: Malocclusions,such as overbites,underbites,or crossbites,can negatively impact proper chewing and speech. Orthodontic treatment aims to align the teeth and jaws correctly,improving chewing efficiency and speech clarity.
  • Balanced bite forces: Properly aligned teeth distribute biting forces evenly,reducing the risk of excessive wear or damage to teeth.


Better Overall Oral Function:

  • Improved digestion: Properly chewed food is easier to digest,promoting better overall digestive health.
  • Enhanced breathing: Orthodontic treatment can address dental and skeletal issues that obstruct the airway,improving breathing patterns and potentially reducing symptoms of sleep apnea.
  • Alleviated TMJ disorders: Misaligned teeth and jaws can contribute to temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorders. Orthodontic treatment can help alleviate TMJ-related symptoms,such as jaw pain,headaches,and difficulty opening or closing the mouth.


Long-Term Cost Savings:

  • Preventive approach: Orthodontic treatment focuses on early intervention and preventive measures,which can help avoid more extensive and costly dental treatments later in life.
  • Reduced risk of dental complications: By addressing dental and skeletal irregularities,orthodontic treatment minimizes the risk of future oral health issues that may require complex and costly treatments.


For more information


In conclusion,orthodontic treatment offers numerous benefits beyond just aesthetic improvements. It can enhance oral health,restore proper oral function,boost self-confidence,and provide long-term cost savings. If you have concerns about the alignment of your teeth or jaws,consulting an orthodontist can help determine the most suitable treatment options for achieving a beautiful and healthy smile. Remember,orthodontic treatment is an investment in your oral health and overall well-being.

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Understanding the Science Behind Testosterone BoostersUnderstanding the Science Behind Testosterone Boosters

Ever wondered how those testosterone boosters actually work timesofisrael? Well,let’s dive into the fascinating world of science and uncover the secrets behind these supplements.

Testosterone boosters operate by influencing hormone production pathways within our bodies. They work with precision,targeting specific receptors and enzymes involved in testosterone regulation. By doing so,they can help increase your body’s natural testosterone levels.

Unraveling the Intricate Web of Hormone Production Pathways

To truly grasp how testosterone boosters function,we need to understand the complex web of hormone production pathways within our bodies. These pathways involve various glands and organs working together to produce hormones like testosterone.

One key player in this process is the hypothalamus,a small but mighty region in our brain. It releases gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH),which then signals the pituitary gland to release luteinizing hormone (LH) and follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH). LH plays a crucial role in stimulating Leydig cells in the testes to produce testosterone.

Testosterone boosters often contain ingredients that can enhance this delicate balance. For example,some supplements may include compounds like D-aspartic acid or fenugreek extract,known for their potential to stimulate GnRH release from the hypothalamus or increase LH secretion from the pituitary gland. By boosting these hormones’ activity,these ingredients contribute to higher overall testosterone levels.

The Role of Receptors and Enzymes in Testosterone Regulation

Now that we’ve explored how certain ingredients can influence hormone production pathways let’s take a closer look at how they interact with receptors and enzymes related to testosterone regulation.

One major player is the androgen receptor (AR). Testosterone binds to ARs throughout the body,including muscle cells,where it exerts its anabolic effects. Some testosterone boosters may contain compounds that mimic the action of testosterone on ARs,amplifying its impact.

Enzymes also play a vital role in testosterone regulation. One enzyme of particular interest is aromatase,responsible for converting excess testosterone into estrogen. By inhibiting aromatase activity,certain ingredients found in testosterone boosters can help maintain higher levels of free testosterone by preventing its conversion into estrogen.

Decoding the Ingredients Behind Effective Testosterone Boosters

Now that we understand how these supplements interact with our bodies’ intricate systems let’s explore why specific ingredients are so effective in boosting testosterone levels.

D-Aspartic Acid: This amino acid has been shown to increase GnRH release from the hypothalamus,leading to heightened LH secretion and subsequent testosterone production.

Fenugreek Extract: Known for its potential to enhance libido and support healthy testosterone levels,fenugreek extract contains compounds that may inhibit enzymes involved in the conversion of testosterone to estrogen.

Tribulus Terrestris: Widely used in traditional medicine,this plant extract has been associated with increased libido and improved sexual function. It may also enhance LH secretion and stimulate testosterone production.

Zinc: A crucial mineral for overall health,zinc plays a pivotal role in the production of testosterone. It supports the synthesis of key hormones involved in regulating testosterone levels.

Vitamin D: Often referred to as the “sunshine vitamin,” vitamin D deficiency has been linked to low testosterone levels. Supplementing with vitamin D can help ensure optimal hormone production.

These are just a few examples of ingredients commonly found in effective testosterone boosters. Each ingredient works synergistically with others to provide maximum benefits and support your body’s natural hormone balance.


Medical Evidence for Disability: What Do You Need to KnowMedical Evidence for Disability: What Do You Need to Know

The goal of an SSA analyst is to determine if you fall under their definition of disability so that you can claim long-term disability benefits. As a claimant,you’re responsible for providing medical evidence of your impairments and their severity. While SSA can gather the evidence based on your list of resources,having proof ready makes processing your benefits faster.

Submitting Medical Evidence Scenarios

The SSA analyst will need medical evidence such as copies of your medical records,health worker reports,and recent test results. However,there are some misconceptions people may have that they unintentionally delay filing their claims. Here are some scenarios we hope to clear up:

Scenario 1: You have your copies of medical evidence

Submit them immediately. When you have it ready,it makes filing your claims faster.

Scenario 2: You have incomplete copies of medical evidence

Submit the ones you have immediately. Applying early may help you retain your disability benefits. SSA will do the rest by contacting your medical source(s) to send your other evidence to them. Or you can gather the rest to make the process faster. 

Scenario 3: The obtained evidence from you and your medical source(s) is insufficient 

The SSA analyst will ask you to undergo a Consultative Examination (CE) paid from their pocket. However,SSA may prefer an independent medical source to your hospital or clinic to conduct the CE.

The Three Keys for a Strong Medical Evidence

Ideally,CE is a convenient way for claimants to get a complete and detailed medical record sufficient for SSA. But to save time and energy,you can build robust medical evidence to make your process faster without requiring CE or making several trips to the SSA.

Admissible evidence must have the following:

  1. Severity of impairment(s),
  2. Duration of the impairment(s),and 
  3. Limited functions that the impairments cause (walking,lifting,going to the bathroom,etc.)

We can use SSA CE’s objective and subjective evidence requirements to show the severity and duration of impairment(s) and how it limits the claimant. 

How to Strengthen a Disability Case with Objective Evidence

Objective evidence is measurable or clear signs of abnormalities that cannot be faked or exaggerated:

  • Get all recommended diagnostic and laboratory testing.
  • Have additional testing to provide more accurate proof of your symptoms and limitations.
  • Create a detailed list of your medical appointments. 

How to Strengthen a Disability Case with Subjective Evidence

Subjective evidence is documented symptoms experienced by the claimant. The more consistent the subjective evidence is,the stronger it is as evidence:

  • Reporting all your symptoms to your doctors at every appointment for proper documentation
  • Following your doctors’ prescriptions and recommended treatments (non-compliance can be seen as disinterest in getting better)
  • Keep a detailed record of your medications and their side effects to give SSA an understanding of how your meds can impact your daily living

How to Strengthen a Disability Case with Medical Expert Opinion

Your healthcare provider’s assessment of your condition can provide insightful information on how it impacts your life. A signed evaluation or narrative letter of your chief complaint(s) can strengthen your case.

Getting treated frequently helps your doctor be familiar with your conditions and their consistency within your medical record.

How Marken Law Can Help You

Consistency among the objective and subjective evidence and medical consultation strengthens your disability case. At Marken Law,we review your disability case for inconsistencies and missing requirements. Then,we add more supportive medical opinions to create your extensive medical evidence. 

Depending on the case,here are our methods to make explicit disability claims for you:

  • Interview your doctor through a questionnaire. The questionnaire we provide is relevant to your specific conditions. The results are drafted so the SSA analyst understands how your condition limits your daily activities.
  • Collect clarifying answers for you. We contact your healthcare providers on conflicting data,unexplained findings,and complicated conditions so the SSA analyst does not have to.
  • Get medical opinions from our medical network. As lawyers licensed in Washington,Idaho,Oregon,and California,our medical connections objectively review your medical evidence,and we record their evaluations. Their evaluations can support the expert opinions of your healthcare providers.

Glaring medical evidence cannot be ignored. To get approval for your disability claims fast,you’ll need to get everything right. 

To learn more about this,please check out disability case

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