Adana Akupunktur entertainment,home,pets Top 10 Benefits Of Professional Teeth Whitening

Top 10 Benefits Of Professional Teeth Whitening

Teeth whitening produces the immediate benefits of a brighter smile. Read on for ten more reasons to consider getting your teeth professionally whitened.

Teeth whitening is for (almost) everyone:

The biggest benefit to teeth whitening is that it removes stains from your teeth. According to Johns Hopkins Medicine,teeth whitening improves the brightness of most smiles. For teeth that have darkened due to age,age spots,or yellowing caused by coffees,teas,or smoking,whitening procedures will produce results. Those with worn tooth enamel or advanced gum disease should talk to their dentist to find out if whitening is for them.

Professional teeth whitening works better than store-bought options:

Professional teeth whitening can whiten teeth better than all over-the-counter options. That’s because in-office procedures use bleaching chemicals that oxidize and whiten the stains on your teeth. A high-intensity LED light activates and speeds up the treatment. With in-office whitening,your teeth will be five to ten shades lighter within an hour.

Professional teeth whitening is fast:

Depending on how quickly you want results and your budget,there is a teeth whitening option for you.

In-office whitening treatments are the most effective and fastest solution. Dr. Frahm offers two in-office treatment options that whiten teeth in under an hour. The Sinsational Smile treatment is the world’s first eco-friendly whitening system. After only 20 minutes,this treatment whitens teeth up to five shades lighter. The ZOOM in-office treatment whitens teeth up to 10 shades in under an hour.

Take-home whitening gel and tray kits are also available at our office. These custom-fitted trays are worn for an hour or overnight and result in whiter,brighter teeth in two to four weeks.

Read more about teeth whitening solutions. Teeth whitening. Know your options.

Teeth whitening is affordable:

In-office whitening treatments and professional-grade take-home kits are more affordable than you may think. ZOOM and Sinsational treatments cost between $800-$1,200. Take-home kits are only $300-$600.

Teeth whitening improves oral health:

Professional teeth whitening improves oral health by removing tooth stains and discoloration. Cleaning your teeth and whitening also reduce the risk of cavities and other oral health problems.

Professional Teeth Whitening is 100% Safe:

Established research proves that teeth whitening does not damage tooth enamel. Hydrogen peroxide whiteners have been deemed safe and effective by The American Dental Association. Although it’s true that some of the chemicals used in teeth whitening can cause sensitivity to your teeth and gums,these treatments are 100% safe. Dr. Frahm and our care team personalize your treatment and are available to address any concerns you have. We always have your health and comfort in mind.

Professional Teeth whitening is long-lasting:

Professional teeth whitening treatments last for years with proper care. Over-the-counter (OTC) treatments like strips,gels,and toothpaste only last for a few months.

Professional teeth whitening is personalized to you:

Every patient is unique and as your partner in care,Dr. Frahm understands your particular oral health needs. The same holds true for in-office teeth whitening procedures. You will be presented with whitening options,timeframes,and costs to meet your desired cosmetic outcome.

Whiter teeth improve mental health:

People with severely stained teeth are oftentimes embarrassed or ashamed about their teeth. They smile less or cover their mouths self-consciously. According to a study by the American Dental Association,this causes unneeded stress in public situations and a loss of confidence. Whitening your stained teeth can lessen anxiety,increase your self-esteem and improve your mental health overall.

Brighter teeth make a good first impression:

There’s no question that appearances influence how people perceive one another. Bright happy smiles exude confidence which can be especially important in meetings,interviews and other situations where you want to make a good impression. The aforementioned ADA study also found that a brighter smile even has even been proven to impact earning potential.

If you are thinking about whitening your teeth,talk to us! Teeth whitening is our most requested cosmetic procedure and Dr. Frahm and our care team are here to answer your questions. Book a teeth whitening consultation with Dr. Frahm to hear about your personalized options.

Learn more by clicking below.

Dr. Sarah Frahm

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In the hustle and bustle of daily life,moments of genuine relaxation have become a rare luxury. Recognizing this,innovations in the wellness industry have provided avenues for deep rejuvenation right at home. Enter the Osaki JP650 3D massage chair a pinnacle of Japanese craftsmanship designed to offer unparalleled relaxation experiences.

3D Massage Mechanism Explained

Traditional massage chairs have their merits,but the Osaki JP650 takes relaxation to a whole new dimension. Its 3D massage mechanism adjusts,probes,and contours in sync with your body,offering a massage experience that feels deeply personalized. And with 10 different intensity levels,every session can be tailored to your precise comfort preference.

User-Friendly Touch Screen Navigation

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The Zero Gravity Experience

Inspired by NASA’s insights into weightlessness in space,the JP650’s zero gravity reclining feature gives you a sensation of floating. Your body feels lighter,stress diminishes,and the massage feels deeper. Even in compact living spaces,its innovative Space Saving Technology ensures that you can achieve this full recline without needing a roomy setup.

Benefits of Lumbar and Calf Heating

Warmth has a natural affinity with relaxation. The JP650 incorporates a unique lumbar and calf heating system. Using dual infrared heating coils,ensures tensions melt away from your lower back and calves,enhancing overall relaxation.

Foot Massage Rollers: A Deep Dive

Your feet bear the brunt of your daily activities. Recognizing this,the JP650’s foot rollers are meticulously designed with reflexology ridges,stimulating key acupuncture points. From toes to heels,your feet experience a thorough and invigorating massage.

The Marvel of Body Scan Technology

Generic massages can only do so much. The JP650,however,scans your body,adjusting its rollers to fit your unique shape and size. This not only ensures comfort but also guarantees that the massage nodes hit all the right pressure points.

Comprehensive Air Massage and Other Features

Beyond the traditional rollers,the chair offers a comprehensive air massage system,inflating and deflating strategically placed airbags to massage and contour your body. Add to this a plethora of features like automatic programs,manual controls,adjustable settings,and even surround sound Bluetooth speakers,making every massage a personalized affair.

Unmatched Quality and Comfort

The JP650 isn’t just another massage chairit’s an embodiment of the stringent Japanese quality standards. Using top-tier materials sourced from Japan,the chair promises not just an exceptional massage but also longevity,ensuring it remains a part of your relaxation routine for years.

The Osaki JP650 as a Worthwhile Investment

Quality relaxation is priceless. With its state-of-the-art features,durable construction,and the promise of deep relaxation,the Osaki JP650 stands out as a long-term investment for your well-being.


The Osaki 3D-JP650 is more than just a chair it’s a personal relaxation sanctuary. Whether you’ve had a long day at work,an intense workout session,or you simply wish to indulge,this chair is designed to cater to your every relaxation need.

Ready for a life-changing relaxation experience? Visit Clearwater massage chairs and explore the world of deep relaxation and rejuvenation with the Osaki JP650 3D massage chair,or any other massage chair brand by simply searching for Titan massage chair dealer near me online. Your body will thank you.

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Understanding Sedation Dentistry: What You Need to KnowUnderstanding Sedation Dentistry: What You Need to Know

Sedation dentistry is easy to understand. Essentially,sedation dentistry helps you rest through dental treatment. Dental sedation is safe and easy for most people. 

Dental Anxiety is Real.

Nearly half of all Americans experience at least some dental anxiety.

Dental anxiety comes in many shapes and forms. Some people are fearful of major dental procedures. Others simply don’t like any reason to be in the dentist’s chair. If this sounds like you,you are not alone. Dr. Frahm can help you alleviate your fear and anxiety with sedation dentistry.

If you are very fearful of an upcoming dental appointment,you’re a candidate for sedation dentistry. Some of the reasons people opt for sedation dentistry are:

  • You had a difficult dental experience earlier in life.
  • You feel very uncomfortable having other people so close to your face.
  • You need to be in the dentist’s chair a long time for a major procedure.
  • You have sensitive teeth.
  • It’s hard for you to sit still during treatment.
  • You have a bad gag reflex.
  • You live with trauma-related symptoms or experience PTSD.

Types of Sedation Dentistry

Sedation dentistry uses medication to induce relaxation. Dental sedation methods are designed leave you conscious,in a resting state,without discomfort. And of course,Dr. Frahm uses local anesthetic to numb areas for treatment.

The types of sedation dentistry include:

  • Minimal sedation with nitrous oxide or laughing gas. Nitrous oxide is administered through a mask that is placed over your nose. It’s likely you’ll feel awake but relaxed. The effects tend to wear off quickly. You may be able to drive yourself home afterwards.
  • Moderate oral sedation is also called oral conscious sedation. It is induced with a pill taken about an hour before treatment. It’s a type of Valium that makes you feel relaxed and a little sleepy. You rest in a twilight-state during care. Our team of dental professionals monitors your heart rate,blood pressure,and oxygen intake throughout the treatment process. When care is complete,we wake you to go home. We help you out to ride home. A companion will need to drive you to and from care. It’s best if they stay with you at home for a few hours after,as well. Dr. Frahm will call in the evening to see how you are feeling.
  • I.V. Sedation is recommended for oral surgeries and for patients who do not respond to other forms of sedation care. I.V. sedation is Valium-like medication administered intravenously. You will be conscious and feel relaxed during treatment. You will be able to respond to questions,but you won’t remember much. This type of sedation requires that you fast before the procedure. You will need a companion to accompany you to your care visit. They will need to drive you to and from care and stay with you while you rest afterwards. Dr. Frahm will call a few hours after care to check on your condition.

Holistic Dentistry’s Role in Reducing Stress

Dr. Frahm is an expert in both minimal sedation with nitrous oxide and oral sedation dentistry. She has completed rigorous,post-doctoral training with the Doctors for Oral Conscious Sedation Education organization and is Oral Conscious Sedation (OCS) certified. In advance of your visit,Dr. Frahm discusses your anxiety level with you. Together,you will decide the ways in which she can provide comfortable care during your next visit. Our office is designed with you in mind. With amenities like organic aroma therapy,neck pillows and cozy blankets,your comfort is our priority.

If you have a fear of dental work,you are not alone. Dr. Frahm will carefully discuss your needs with you to determine which form of sedation care works best for you.

Learn More About Sedation Dentistry

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Inflammation Treatment with All Types of Medicine, Past, Present and FutureInflammation Treatment with All Types of Medicine, Past, Present and Future

Historical Perspectives on Inflammation Treatment

In the pursuit of alleviating inflammation,humankind has a long-standing history of seeking relief from this pervasive condition. Throughout various civilizations and ancient cultures,primitive remedies were employed to mitigate the discomfort and symptoms associated with inflammation. These traditional methods often consisted of herbs,plants,and natural substances that were believed to possess anti-inflammatory properties. While the scientific validity of these treatments may be questionable by modern standards,their historical significance cannot be overlooked as they served as the foundation for the development of inflammation management strategies that exist today.

As medical knowledge progressed,ancient civilizations such as the Egyptians,Greeks,and Chinese began to explore more sophisticated approaches to treating inflammation. Records from these periods indicate the use of poultices,ointments,and concoctions made from various compounds,including minerals,animal products,and botanical extracts. Notably,the Indian Ayurvedic system of medicine also heavily emphasized the use of herbal mixtures and dietary modifications for inflammation relief. These early practices,while guided by limited understanding,laid the groundwork for advances in medicine and provided valuable insights that would shape the future of inflammation treatment.

Introducing,experts in the field of Certolab Ferreria.

Traditional Remedies for Inflammation Relief

Traditional remedies have long been used for their potential anti-inflammatory properties. One such remedy is turmeric,a spice commonly found in Asian cuisine. Turmeric contains an active compound called curcumin,which has been shown to have anti-inflammatory effects in various studies. Whether consumed as a spice or taken in the form of a supplement,turmeric may offer some relief for individuals dealing with inflammation.

Another traditional remedy that has gained popularity is ginger. Ginger contains gingerol,a compound known for its anti-inflammatory properties. It has been used for centuries in traditional medicine to alleviate various types of inflammation,including joint pain and muscle soreness. Incorporating ginger into one’s diet or taking it in the form of a supplement may provide some relief from the discomfort associated with inflammation.

the practitioners on is a resource of solutions and remedies to consider against the great agitator,inflammation.

Evolution of Medicine in Inflammation Treatment

Over the centuries,the approach to inflammation treatment has evolved significantly within the field of medicine. Initially,traditional remedies were the primary methods employed to provide relief from inflammatory conditions. These remedies,often rooted in herbal medicine,aimed to reduce inflammation through the use of natural substances such as herbs,spices,and plant extracts. Although lacking scientific validation,these remedies were commonly employed and passed down through generations as a means of soothing inflammation.

As medical understanding progressed,so did the treatment options for inflammation. The advent of modern pharmaceutical approaches introduced a new era of inflammation management. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) became widely used due to their effectiveness in reducing swelling,pain,and fever associated with inflammation. These drugs,available in various forms such as tablets,creams,and injections,quickly became a standard treatment option for both acute and chronic inflammatory conditions. With continued advancements in medicine,the evolution of treatments for inflammation has continued,employing biologic therapies that target specific molecules and pathways involved in the inflammatory response,promising a more targeted and effective approach to managing these conditions.

As TeleHealthToday advises,always contact a medical practitioner for advice before considering treatment of this kind.

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