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Caring For Your Dental Crowns: A Guide For PatientsCaring For Your Dental Crowns: A Guide For Patients

If you have a dental crown, you may be wondering how to properly care for it. There are a few simple steps to ensure your crown remains strong and functional for years

The first 24-48 hours after getting a crown

If you just got a new crown, take a little extra care when eating for a day or two. Whether you opted for a CEREC ceramic crown, resin, or metal, avoid eating sticky, hard. and chewy food. Nuts, caramel, popcorn, and ice can loosen or dislodge crowns. For a few days, eat softer foods. Good choices for nutrient-dense soft foods include cooked vegetables, fish or tofu, and yogurt.

Routine tips to care for a crown

Once you feel more comfortable, care for your like any other tooth. After all, there is still a tooth beneath the crown. Your crown will need care to keep gum disease and decay at bay.

Brush and floss regularly

It’s important to maintain your oral hygiene routine when you get a new crown. Brush twice a day with gentle pressure in a circular motion. This ensures the area around the crown is well-cleaned without causing damage to the dental work itself. Floss your teeth as usual to remove food particles and plaque. Make sure to floss both sides of the crown with soft dental floss.

Avoid hard and sticky foods

Avoiding hard, sticky foods is a good rule of thumb. Sticky foods can cause damage to teeth and crowns. Chewing on sticky foods like caramel or hard candies can loosen your crown. Avoid these foods and help your crowns last for years.

Be mindful of your habits

Mindless habits, including clenching teeth, biting nails, or chewing on pens can wreak havoc on your teeth. When your teeth or crowns encounter another hard surface, they crack or chip. If these habits are hard to break, talk to Dr. Frahm about treatment options. A custom-fitted night guard to help protect your investment.

Regular checkups and cleanings

It goes without saying that you should continue with your regular dental checkups to maintain your overall oral health. During your visit, Dr. Frahm will check on your crowns and your teeth and gums to ensure there are no signs of damage or decay.

Visit our office for regular cleanings to maintain your oral health and keep your dental work looking its best. Our gentle hygienist uses technology and clinical tools to carefully remove plaque around your crowns. She also polished your teeth to restore their luster.

Your dental health is of the utmost importance to us. If you are ever unsure of how to care for your crowns or need a brush-up on ways to maintain your oral hygiene, we’re here for you. Our holistic approach to dental care always keeps your long-term wellness in mind.

Learn more and check out our guide below. 

Dr. Sarah Frahm | Dental Crowns

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A Complete Guide to Invisalign AlignersA Complete Guide to Invisalign Aligners

Are you one of the legions who, when growing up, imagined that traditional braces  only came in the stainless-steel variety, known commonly as braces? Then, the conversation about straightening teeth would likely turn to images of a mouthful of metal, tenderness after adjustments, and the echoing Dentist’s suggestions for fewer sticky foods. Fast forward to today, where the art and science of orthodontics have not only advanced but have also become a beacon of innovation and convenience. At the forefront of this shift is the Invisalign system, a clear alternative to traditional braces that promises discretion, comfort, and effective teeth straightening for adults and young adults alike.

What is Invisalign, and How Does It Differ from Traditional Braces?

Invisalign is a method of orthodontic therapy that uses a series of transparent, removable aligners to gradually move teeth into their correct position. Unlike traditional braces, which consist of brackets bonded to the teeth and wires that are periodically tightened, Invisalign aligners are almost invisible and can be removed for eating, brushing, and flossing. This makes it a popular choice for those who want to straighten their teeth without the obvious appearance and dietary restrictions that accompany braces.

Benefits of Invisalign Over Traditional Braces

  • Aesthetic: The clear design of Invisalign aligners is far less noticeable than metal braces, offering a discreet way to achieve a straighter smile.
  • Removability: Invisalign aligners can be easily removed for the enjoyment of all foods and for oral hygiene – a freedom often not allowed by traditional braces.
  • Comfort: The smooth, plastic material of Invisalign aligners is less likely to irritate the mouth’s soft tissues compared to the brackets and wires of metal braces.
  • Treatment time: While treatment times vary, Invisalign treatments can sometimes be quicker than digital scan  due to the modality’s ability to target specific teeth more efficiently.

How Invisalign Aligners Are Made

  • 3D Scanning: A of your teeth is performed using a state-of-the-art intraoral scanner.
  • Design: Based on the scan, a custom treatment plan is designed, which includes the number of aligners you will need, and the projected progress at each stage.
  • Fabrication: After approval of the treatment plan, a series of custom aligners are 3D printed for each stage of your treatment.

The Step-by-Step Guide to Getting Invisalign

Understanding the steps from your initial consultation to the final treatment handover is crucial in appreciating the commitment Invisalign entails.

  • Initial Consultation and Treatment Plan Your begins with a consultation with an orthodontist, who will assess whether Invisalign is the right treatment for you. If it is, a series of appointments will be made to collect the necessary data, including X-rays, photographs, and digital impressions of your teeth, to create your custom Invisalign aligners.
  • Fitting Your First Aligner Once your aligners are ready, you’ll return to your orthodontist’s office for a fitting. This appointment is pivotal as your orthodontist will ensure the aligners fit comfortably and give you detailed instructions on when and how to wear them.
  • The Treatment Plan Unfolds You will wear each set of aligners for about two weeks before moving on to the next set. As you progress through the series, your teeth will gradually shift to the desired positions, following the treatment plan set forth during the initial scan.
  • Regular Check-Ups and Adjustments Approximately every six weeks, you will return to your orthodontist for a check-up and to receive your next series of aligners. These check-ups are essential to ensuring your treatment is progressing as planned and making any necessary adjustments to your treatment.
  • Refinements and Retainers In some cases, refinements may be required – additional sets of aligners that help fine-tune your treatment toward its completion. Once your final set of aligners is complete, you will be fitted for retainers to maintain your new smile.

The Cost of Invisalign: Is the Clear Choice Feasible?

One of the most common questions surrounding Invisalign is the cost, which can vary depending on the complexity of the treatment and where you live. The average is comparable to traditional braces but may be influenced by several factors, such as insurance coverage, the need for any additional treatments, and the type of provider you choose.
