Adana Akupunktur entertainment,home,pets Top 10 Benefits Of Professional Teeth Whitening

Top 10 Benefits Of Professional Teeth Whitening

Teeth whitening produces the immediate benefits of a brighter smile. Read on for ten more reasons to consider getting your teeth professionally whitened.

Teeth whitening is for (almost) everyone:

The biggest benefit to teeth whitening is that it removes stains from your teeth. According to Johns Hopkins Medicine,teeth whitening improves the brightness of most smiles. For teeth that have darkened due to age,age spots,or yellowing caused by coffees,teas,or smoking,whitening procedures will produce results. Those with worn tooth enamel or advanced gum disease should talk to their dentist to find out if whitening is for them.

Professional teeth whitening works better than store-bought options:

Professional teeth whitening can whiten teeth better than all over-the-counter options. That’s because in-office procedures use bleaching chemicals that oxidize and whiten the stains on your teeth. A high-intensity LED light activates and speeds up the treatment. With in-office whitening,your teeth will be five to ten shades lighter within an hour.

Professional teeth whitening is fast:

Depending on how quickly you want results and your budget,there is a teeth whitening option for you.

In-office whitening treatments are the most effective and fastest solution. Dr. Frahm offers two in-office treatment options that whiten teeth in under an hour. The Sinsational Smile treatment is the world’s first eco-friendly whitening system. After only 20 minutes,this treatment whitens teeth up to five shades lighter. The ZOOM in-office treatment whitens teeth up to 10 shades in under an hour.

Take-home whitening gel and tray kits are also available at our office. These custom-fitted trays are worn for an hour or overnight and result in whiter,brighter teeth in two to four weeks.

Read more about teeth whitening solutions. Teeth whitening. Know your options.

Teeth whitening is affordable:

In-office whitening treatments and professional-grade take-home kits are more affordable than you may think. ZOOM and Sinsational treatments cost between $800-$1,200. Take-home kits are only $300-$600.

Teeth whitening improves oral health:

Professional teeth whitening improves oral health by removing tooth stains and discoloration. Cleaning your teeth and whitening also reduce the risk of cavities and other oral health problems.

Professional Teeth Whitening is 100% Safe:

Established research proves that teeth whitening does not damage tooth enamel. Hydrogen peroxide whiteners have been deemed safe and effective by The American Dental Association. Although it’s true that some of the chemicals used in teeth whitening can cause sensitivity to your teeth and gums,these treatments are 100% safe. Dr. Frahm and our care team personalize your treatment and are available to address any concerns you have. We always have your health and comfort in mind.

Professional Teeth whitening is long-lasting:

Professional teeth whitening treatments last for years with proper care. Over-the-counter (OTC) treatments like strips,gels,and toothpaste only last for a few months.

Professional teeth whitening is personalized to you:

Every patient is unique and as your partner in care,Dr. Frahm understands your particular oral health needs. The same holds true for in-office teeth whitening procedures. You will be presented with whitening options,timeframes,and costs to meet your desired cosmetic outcome.

Whiter teeth improve mental health:

People with severely stained teeth are oftentimes embarrassed or ashamed about their teeth. They smile less or cover their mouths self-consciously. According to a study by the American Dental Association,this causes unneeded stress in public situations and a loss of confidence. Whitening your stained teeth can lessen anxiety,increase your self-esteem and improve your mental health overall.

Brighter teeth make a good first impression:

There’s no question that appearances influence how people perceive one another. Bright happy smiles exude confidence which can be especially important in meetings,interviews and other situations where you want to make a good impression. The aforementioned ADA study also found that a brighter smile even has even been proven to impact earning potential.

If you are thinking about whitening your teeth,talk to us! Teeth whitening is our most requested cosmetic procedure and Dr. Frahm and our care team are here to answer your questions. Book a teeth whitening consultation with Dr. Frahm to hear about your personalized options.

Learn more by clicking below.

Dr. Sarah Frahm

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Understanding Sedation Dentistry: What You Need to KnowUnderstanding Sedation Dentistry: What You Need to Know

Sedation dentistry is easy to understand. Essentially,sedation dentistry helps you rest through dental treatment. Dental sedation is safe and easy for most people. 

Dental Anxiety is Real.

Nearly half of all Americans experience at least some dental anxiety.

Dental anxiety comes in many shapes and forms. Some people are fearful of major dental procedures. Others simply don’t like any reason to be in the dentist’s chair. If this sounds like you,you are not alone. Dr. Frahm can help you alleviate your fear and anxiety with sedation dentistry.

If you are very fearful of an upcoming dental appointment,you’re a candidate for sedation dentistry. Some of the reasons people opt for sedation dentistry are:

  • You had a difficult dental experience earlier in life.
  • You feel very uncomfortable having other people so close to your face.
  • You need to be in the dentist’s chair a long time for a major procedure.
  • You have sensitive teeth.
  • It’s hard for you to sit still during treatment.
  • You have a bad gag reflex.
  • You live with trauma-related symptoms or experience PTSD.

Types of Sedation Dentistry

Sedation dentistry uses medication to induce relaxation. Dental sedation methods are designed leave you conscious,in a resting state,without discomfort. And of course,Dr. Frahm uses local anesthetic to numb areas for treatment.

The types of sedation dentistry include:

  • Minimal sedation with nitrous oxide or laughing gas. Nitrous oxide is administered through a mask that is placed over your nose. It’s likely you’ll feel awake but relaxed. The effects tend to wear off quickly. You may be able to drive yourself home afterwards.
  • Moderate oral sedation is also called oral conscious sedation. It is induced with a pill taken about an hour before treatment. It’s a type of Valium that makes you feel relaxed and a little sleepy. You rest in a twilight-state during care. Our team of dental professionals monitors your heart rate,blood pressure,and oxygen intake throughout the treatment process. When care is complete,we wake you to go home. We help you out to ride home. A companion will need to drive you to and from care. It’s best if they stay with you at home for a few hours after,as well. Dr. Frahm will call in the evening to see how you are feeling.
  • I.V. Sedation is recommended for oral surgeries and for patients who do not respond to other forms of sedation care. I.V. sedation is Valium-like medication administered intravenously. You will be conscious and feel relaxed during treatment. You will be able to respond to questions,but you won’t remember much. This type of sedation requires that you fast before the procedure. You will need a companion to accompany you to your care visit. They will need to drive you to and from care and stay with you while you rest afterwards. Dr. Frahm will call a few hours after care to check on your condition.

Holistic Dentistry’s Role in Reducing Stress

Dr. Frahm is an expert in both minimal sedation with nitrous oxide and oral sedation dentistry. She has completed rigorous,post-doctoral training with the Doctors for Oral Conscious Sedation Education organization and is Oral Conscious Sedation (OCS) certified. In advance of your visit,Dr. Frahm discusses your anxiety level with you. Together,you will decide the ways in which she can provide comfortable care during your next visit. Our office is designed with you in mind. With amenities like organic aroma therapy,neck pillows and cozy blankets,your comfort is our priority.

If you have a fear of dental work,you are not alone. Dr. Frahm will carefully discuss your needs with you to determine which form of sedation care works best for you.

Learn More About Sedation Dentistry

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Complications of Untreated Nasal Polyps: Potential Risks and Long-Term EffectsComplications of Untreated Nasal Polyps: Potential Risks and Long-Term Effects

Understanding Nasal Polyps and Their Impact on Health

Nasal polyps are soft,noncancerous growths inside the nose and sinuses. They hang like drops or pears,partially obstructing the nasal airway.

Nasal polyps form because of constant irritation of the internal lining of the nose from allergies,asthma,and other chronic or long-lasting inflammatory diseases.

Nasal polyps can impact health by continuing the cycle of chronic inflammation.

Chronic inflammation causes nasal polyps. Nasal polyps obstruct the nasal airway and worsen the inflammation. Thus,visiting your health professional for diagnosis,treatment,and prognosis is important.

The Connection Between Nasal Polyps and Chronic Inflammatory Disease

It is not yet understood why some people develop nasal polyps while others don’t. There is evidence that people with different immune system responses develop polyps and people with different chemical markers in their nasal lining that produce mucus. Nasal polyps are most common in young adults and middle-aged adults.

Nasal polyps are associated with chronic nasal and sinus inflammation,aka chronic rhinosinusitis,lasting 12 weeks or more. Chronic rhinosinusitis can result from chronic inflammatory diseases such as recurring infections or allergies. 

Potential complications can arise from the coexistence of nasal polyps and chronic inflammatory diseases. Nasal polyps can block airflow and normal drainage in the nasal cavity,negatively impacting recovery. Complications then occur if left untreated. 

Recognizing the Symptoms of Nasal Polyps

Chronic sinusitis with nasal symptoms can feel like a cold. But a cold goes away after a few days. Here are common symptoms associated with nasal polyps:

  • Persistent stuffiness that causes difficulty breathing through the nose
  • Less sense of smell
  • Less sense of taste
  • Postnasal drip that causes a constant need to swallow
  • Runny nose
  • Snoring
  • Headache
  • Pain over the face and in upper teeth
  • Pressure over your forehead and face where the sinuses are
  • Itching around the eyes
  • Cough
  • Frequent nosebleeds

Why Seeking Healthcare Provider Expertise is Essential

With the symptoms and cascading complications from chronic inflammation,it is important to consult your healthcare provider for proper diagnosis and treatment. They can diagnose based on your symptoms and medical history through their expertise. Or they can refer you to other healthcare providers that can give diagnostic tests. Here are diagnostic tools and techniques healthcare providers can use to confirm whether you have nasal polyps.


Your healthcare provider can use a non-invasive technique by looking into your nasal cavity with a lighted instrument called a nasoscope or otoscope.

Nasal Endoscopy

Your healthcare provider can perform a nasal endoscopy if the nasal polyp is possibly deeper inside your sinuses. In this procedure,your healthcare provider will guide a thin,lightweight,and flexible tube with a light and camera on the end into your nasal passages.


Once polyps are confirmed in the nasal cavity,the healthcare provider must know their exact size and location. They will use a CT scan or MRI scan to do so. The scans will confirm if the polyps have deformed the bone area or rule out other types of growth,such as cancerous growth.

Allergy Tests

Aside from finding polyps,your healthcare provider must also determine the source of your chronic inflammation. They may perform allergy tests.

Allergy tests involve testing liquid variations of different allergens on the skin of your forearm or upper back. You may feel minimal pricking after the substances make contact with your skin. After 15 minutes,your healthcare provider will check for allergic reactions.

Blood Test

They may also order a blood test to check for low levels of Vitamin D associated with nasal polyps.

Potential Risks of Untreated Nasal Polyps

If left untreated,complications can arise and affect nasal function and breathing with long-term effects. Nasal polyps and chronic inflammation can increase susceptibility to sinus infections and cause recurrent allergies. With obstructed nasal function,breathing is also affected,causing reduced sleep quality and fatigue. 

Increased Susceptibility to Sinus Infections and Recurrent Allergies

Untreated nasal polyps can also worsen the symptoms of sinus infections and allergies. It can block nasal passages and prevent drainage of stagnant mucus. Prolonged inflammation can weaken the body’s immune response and cause complications such as:

  • Bacterial sinus infections of the tissues around the brain and spinal cord (meningitis)
  • Bacterial sinus infections of the sinus bones (osteitis)
  • Bacterial sinus infections of the tissues around the eye (orbital cellulitis)
  • Asthmatic flare-ups

The Importance of Timely Diagnosis and Treatment

Due to the possible complications of untreated nasal polyps,early detection and intervention is important. With timely diagnosis,symptoms can be managed and avoid complications. Below are the two treatment options for nasal polyps: medical treatment,such as nasal sprays,and surgical intervention. 

Medications and Nasal Sprays in Managing Nasal Polyps

There are different medications to reduce polyp size and relieve symptoms of congestion.

  • Nasal Steroids
  • Oral Corticosteroids
  • Injectable corticosteroids
  • Dupilumab
  • Antihistamine and Antibiotics

Surgical Intervention: When is it Necessary?

An indication for surgical intervention is the persistence of symptoms,even with drug treatment. Most surgical procedures for nasal polyp removal are outpatient procedures.

General or local anesthesia is used for the surgery. General anesthesia makes the patient unconscious for the procedure,so they don’t feel any pain. Patients under local anesthesia may feel pressure with no discomfort.

Polypectomy requires a microdebride that cuts the polyps into small pieces as it moves back and forth. At the same time,its suction removes the debrided tissue.

Endoscopic sinus surgery is used to remove larger polyps. The endoscope allows the healthcare provider to see inside your nose. Specialized instruments are used to remove the polyps.

Trust Puget Sound Sinus Center for Expert Care

If nasal polyps are left untreated,diagnosis and treatment can seem daunting. But with Puget Sound Sinus Center by your side,we ensure a comfortable experience with holistic patient-centered care. 

Puget Sound Sinus Center comprises a team of experienced sinus specialists dedicated to giving patients personalized and compassionate care with state-of-the-art treatments and advanced techniques.

Click below for more information

Dr. Amy Anstead

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Troubles that occur when one loves somebody who does not reciprocateTroubles that occur when one loves somebody who does not reciprocate

One can find themselves feeling defenseless,vulnerable,and puzzled when they like someone who does not share the same sensations as them. This can be a turbulent experience indeed. Unrequited love is often accompanied by feelings of rejection and inadequacy,resulting in low self-esteem and an increased sense of isolation. Furthermore,it might lead to intrusive ideas,obsessive habits,and an inability to move on with one’s life according to

Presume that you have actually been harbouring sensations for a lady for a variety of years,however that she only considers you to be a friend. Despite the fact that you covertly pine for her,she continues to date a number of other men. Your heart avoids a beat every time she calls or wishes to chat with you,and you are hoping against hope that she will lastly admit her undying love for another individual. Whenever she rejects you or shows no interest in you,it seems like a verification that you are unsatisfactory from her point of view according to Woolwich escorts.

It may be tough to fully value oneself as a result of these obstacles,which may likewise have a negative influence on other elements of one’s life,such as one’s expert life or their relationships with their family.
Managing the Pain of Heartache and Struggles of the Emotional Kind

On the occasion that it is not attended to in the suitable manner,the emotional toll of unrequited love can be ravaging and lasting. Taking the necessary steps towards recovery and recovery is definitely necessary in order to have the ability to move past these challenges and eventually find happiness.

Approval of one’s sensations and the practice of self-compassion,which includes treating oneself with more compassion than one would treat other individuals,is one method taken. Assistance can likewise be acquired by talking about one’s emotions with enjoyed ones or by looking for professional assistance from therapists or counsellors. Both of these choices are similarly beneficial.

The pursuit of hobbies and involvement in activities that bring delight can go a long way toward bring back psychological equilibrium,despite the fact that this may sound like a cliché. When one finds new interests or journeys to new places,they may experience unforeseen enjoyments that help them produce area in between themselves and the situation that they are presently facing.

A smart individual once mentioned that “you do not have control over the cards that life deals you,however you have control over how you handle those cards.” When approached in a constructive way,the psychological anguish and psychological distress that result from unrequited love can be viewed as a chance for personal development and recovery.

Additionally,it is of the utmost significance to search for closure,particularly in relation to relationships. Helping in the process of attaining closure,acquiring knowledge from the experience,and progressing can be achieved by acknowledging that it is not one’s fault.

In addition to this,it is necessary to acknowledge that there are other individuals in the world who would value it if one revealed their love to them in return. Putting oneself in a position to be available to brand-new chances can pave the way for the discovery of someone who shares the same level of interest.

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