Adana Akupunktur entertainment,government,religion Complications of Untreated Nasal Polyps: Potential Risks and Long-Term Effects

Complications of Untreated Nasal Polyps: Potential Risks and Long-Term Effects

Understanding Nasal Polyps and Their Impact on Health

Nasal polyps are soft,noncancerous growths inside the nose and sinuses. They hang like drops or pears,partially obstructing the nasal airway.

Nasal polyps form because of constant irritation of the internal lining of the nose from allergies,asthma,and other chronic or long-lasting inflammatory diseases.

Nasal polyps can impact health by continuing the cycle of chronic inflammation.

Chronic inflammation causes nasal polyps. Nasal polyps obstruct the nasal airway and worsen the inflammation. Thus,visiting your health professional for diagnosis,treatment,and prognosis is important.

The Connection Between Nasal Polyps and Chronic Inflammatory Disease

It is not yet understood why some people develop nasal polyps while others don’t. There is evidence that people with different immune system responses develop polyps and people with different chemical markers in their nasal lining that produce mucus. Nasal polyps are most common in young adults and middle-aged adults.

Nasal polyps are associated with chronic nasal and sinus inflammation,aka chronic rhinosinusitis,lasting 12 weeks or more. Chronic rhinosinusitis can result from chronic inflammatory diseases such as recurring infections or allergies. 

Potential complications can arise from the coexistence of nasal polyps and chronic inflammatory diseases. Nasal polyps can block airflow and normal drainage in the nasal cavity,negatively impacting recovery. Complications then occur if left untreated. 

Recognizing the Symptoms of Nasal Polyps

Chronic sinusitis with nasal symptoms can feel like a cold. But a cold goes away after a few days. Here are common symptoms associated with nasal polyps:

  • Persistent stuffiness that causes difficulty breathing through the nose
  • Less sense of smell
  • Less sense of taste
  • Postnasal drip that causes a constant need to swallow
  • Runny nose
  • Snoring
  • Headache
  • Pain over the face and in upper teeth
  • Pressure over your forehead and face where the sinuses are
  • Itching around the eyes
  • Cough
  • Frequent nosebleeds

Why Seeking Healthcare Provider Expertise is Essential

With the symptoms and cascading complications from chronic inflammation,it is important to consult your healthcare provider for proper diagnosis and treatment. They can diagnose based on your symptoms and medical history through their expertise. Or they can refer you to other healthcare providers that can give diagnostic tests. Here are diagnostic tools and techniques healthcare providers can use to confirm whether you have nasal polyps.


Your healthcare provider can use a non-invasive technique by looking into your nasal cavity with a lighted instrument called a nasoscope or otoscope.

Nasal Endoscopy

Your healthcare provider can perform a nasal endoscopy if the nasal polyp is possibly deeper inside your sinuses. In this procedure,your healthcare provider will guide a thin,lightweight,and flexible tube with a light and camera on the end into your nasal passages.


Once polyps are confirmed in the nasal cavity,the healthcare provider must know their exact size and location. They will use a CT scan or MRI scan to do so. The scans will confirm if the polyps have deformed the bone area or rule out other types of growth,such as cancerous growth.

Allergy Tests

Aside from finding polyps,your healthcare provider must also determine the source of your chronic inflammation. They may perform allergy tests.

Allergy tests involve testing liquid variations of different allergens on the skin of your forearm or upper back. You may feel minimal pricking after the substances make contact with your skin. After 15 minutes,your healthcare provider will check for allergic reactions.

Blood Test

They may also order a blood test to check for low levels of Vitamin D associated with nasal polyps.

Potential Risks of Untreated Nasal Polyps

If left untreated,complications can arise and affect nasal function and breathing with long-term effects. Nasal polyps and chronic inflammation can increase susceptibility to sinus infections and cause recurrent allergies. With obstructed nasal function,breathing is also affected,causing reduced sleep quality and fatigue. 

Increased Susceptibility to Sinus Infections and Recurrent Allergies

Untreated nasal polyps can also worsen the symptoms of sinus infections and allergies. It can block nasal passages and prevent drainage of stagnant mucus. Prolonged inflammation can weaken the body’s immune response and cause complications such as:

  • Bacterial sinus infections of the tissues around the brain and spinal cord (meningitis)
  • Bacterial sinus infections of the sinus bones (osteitis)
  • Bacterial sinus infections of the tissues around the eye (orbital cellulitis)
  • Asthmatic flare-ups

The Importance of Timely Diagnosis and Treatment

Due to the possible complications of untreated nasal polyps,early detection and intervention is important. With timely diagnosis,symptoms can be managed and avoid complications. Below are the two treatment options for nasal polyps: medical treatment,such as nasal sprays,and surgical intervention. 

Medications and Nasal Sprays in Managing Nasal Polyps

There are different medications to reduce polyp size and relieve symptoms of congestion.

  • Nasal Steroids
  • Oral Corticosteroids
  • Injectable corticosteroids
  • Dupilumab
  • Antihistamine and Antibiotics

Surgical Intervention: When is it Necessary?

An indication for surgical intervention is the persistence of symptoms,even with drug treatment. Most surgical procedures for nasal polyp removal are outpatient procedures.

General or local anesthesia is used for the surgery. General anesthesia makes the patient unconscious for the procedure,so they don’t feel any pain. Patients under local anesthesia may feel pressure with no discomfort.

Polypectomy requires a microdebride that cuts the polyps into small pieces as it moves back and forth. At the same time,its suction removes the debrided tissue.

Endoscopic sinus surgery is used to remove larger polyps. The endoscope allows the healthcare provider to see inside your nose. Specialized instruments are used to remove the polyps.

Trust Puget Sound Sinus Center for Expert Care

If nasal polyps are left untreated,diagnosis and treatment can seem daunting. But with Puget Sound Sinus Center by your side,we ensure a comfortable experience with holistic patient-centered care. 

Puget Sound Sinus Center comprises a team of experienced sinus specialists dedicated to giving patients personalized and compassionate care with state-of-the-art treatments and advanced techniques.

Click below for more information

Dr. Amy Anstead

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Do You Need Braces Before Veneers?Do You Need Braces Before Veneers?

Do I need braces before I get veneers? It’s a question we hear often. The answer is maybe.

Veneers can do a lot to straighten teeth. And,in some cases getting braces before veneers is the right way to go. This is especially true if you have a pronounced underbite or overbite.

Why Braces Before are Recommended

There are three reasons why you may need get braces before you get veneers.

Braces Correct Your Bite

Braces are used to correct overbites and underbites. Having proper bite balance is essential to maintain your veneers. A balanced bite means your back teeth touch evenly. Front teeth do not touch once your bite is balanced.

Having a properly balanced bite reduces the risk of damage to your veneers. It is also healthier overall. A well-balanced bite,with straight teeth,is easier to care for at home.

Braces for Crowded Teeth

Braces can help when teeth are crowded together. The veneering process usually involves the removal of some tooth enamel. But,when teeth are too close together,veneers cannot be placed with ideal proportion.

Aligning teeth with Invisalign or braces before veneers can help. Also,most of us do not veneer all of our teeth. So,aligning and whitening teeth are good complimentary dental treatments.

Braces to Correct Alignment Complications

In many cases,veneers can correct misalignment. There are times when braces are needed to correct alignment complications.

Misaligned teeth can cause an array of dental problems,such as TMJ,bruxism,jaw hinge pain,and teeth grinding. If you have any of these problems,veneers won’t solve them.

It is best to proceed with treatment to fix your bite. This may include orthodontics.

Once you have a healthy bite,you may want to enhance the appearance of your smile with porcelain veneers.

Are Braces Mandatory for a Better Veneer Smile?

Braces before veneers are not mandatory for a better smile. In fact,most people who get veneers do not need braces. With veneers,Dr. Frahm can:

  • Create a symmetrical smile.
  • Enhance the color of your teeth.
  • Rebuild teeth damaged by chipped enamel,minor breaks,or discoloration.
  • Align slightly crooked and misaligned teeth.
  • Improve your bite.

Braces Are Better Now

If you do need braces before veneers,the process might be easier than you think. Orthodontic treatments have come a long way. There are options for smile alignment that include:

  • Accelerated Invisalign can reduce treatment time.
  • Petite self-litigating braces for easier cleaning and orthodontist visits.
  • Traditional braces with an orthodontic specialist. Dr. Frahm can recommend a great orthodontist.

There are benefits to aligning teeth before veneers are placed:

  • Aligning the teeth allows the dentist to remove less enamel.
  • Supports root and bone structure if dental implants are involved
  • Properly aligns your jaw for comfortable biting and chewing

If you’re interested in a consultation to learn if veneers or braces are right for you,click the button below to learn more about cosmetic dentistry in your area or schedule an appointment with a qualified dentist!

Restore Your Smile Today

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Set your own personal boundaries for yourself.Set your own personal boundaries for yourself.

If you are stuck in a relationship that is unhealthy for you,it may look like though your sensations and requirements are never ever considered. This is because the relationship is unhealthy! As a consequence of this,setting personal limits is an outright requirement if you want to safeguard both your mental and physical health. In addition,in order to achieve this,it is often necessary to recognize what it is that you need in order to feel safe and safe,to acknowledge habits that are detrimental to your mental health,and to effectively interact these limitations to your partner according to fantastic website.

In order for your partner to treat you with the kind of regard and factor to consider that you should have,it is needed for them to have an understanding of your requirements. As a result of taking this action,you will substantially improve your comprehension of the requirements of habits and communication that will allow you to experience a sense of safety. The capability to identify the things that make you feel valued,respected,and valued is a vital component of a healthy relationship. These are the fundamental parts that are required in order to develop limits that are healthy  according to Hertfordshire escorts.

For example,if you feel mentally hazardous as a result of undergoing continuous criticism or yelling,it is imperative that you acknowledge this as a border in the relationship you are in. On the occasion that you acknowledge the importance of respectful communication and acknowledge that it is needed,you will be able to establish a boundary for such behavior within the context of your relationship.

Establishing clear borders requires putting in place firm limits on the sort of behaviors that are acceptable and inappropriate from your partner. This is a vital step in the process of establishing clear boundaries. The establishment of these borders not just offers you with a sense of control over your own life,but they also function as important guidelines for navigating the complexities of a relationship that is poisonous to you. This description may consist of a variety of various aspects,some of which are personal area,privacy,regard,honesty,and emotional support.

When these boundaries have been established,it is of equal importance to efficiently communicate them to your partner while you are going through the process of developing more limits. When there is open communication regarding borders,both parties are able to much better understand each other’s requirements and triggers. This is achieved through making use of boundaries. Subsequently,this contributes to the advancement of an environment that is defined by mutual respect.

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What are Social Security Survivor Benefits?What are Social Security Survivor Benefits?

Social security benefits are mostly known for those of partial or full retirement age,though there are several different types of benefits,such as survivor benefits. The official name of the program is Old-Age Survivors and Disability Insurance (OASDI) which helps your spouse or dependents receive a passed-on spouse’s social security benefits on top of their own. 

Below you’ll find information that gives a more in-depth understanding of a widow’s social security benefit derived from their spouse and some advice on how to navigate the complex rules of the program. 

Who Qualifies for Social Security Survivors Benefits?

To qualify for social security survivor benefits,you’ll have to meet the requirements for eligibility,which include:

  • You must be a widow or widower of any age who is caring for the deceased’s child or children under the age of 16,or who are disabled.
    • Step-children,grandchildren,step-grandchildren,and adopted children can be included under certain circumstances
  • A widow or widower who is 60 years older or more who has not remarried
  • Any unmarried children of the deceased who are younger than 18 years old or have a disability that surfaced before 22 years old.
  • Parents that are 62 years or older that were dependent on the deceased for at least half of their income and whose social security income would not be larger than of the deceased’s children. 
  • A surviving divorced spouse may receive benefits if they meet other eligibility requirements

Another point of qualification is shared with social security retirement requirements,meaning you would have to have worked a certain number of years and gained the proper amount of credits each year for your loved ones to be eligible for the benefits. 

How are Social Security Benefits Calculated for a Widow?

How the benefits are calculated for a widow can quickly become complex as there are several provisions for different circumstances. One such provision is the one-time death benefit payment of $225,which can be issued if the deceased spouse either lived with the widow(er) or was receiving social security benefits on their record. If there is no surviving spouse,the one-time payment can be given to a child who is eligible for the benefits. Another provision is if the death leaves a spouse with dependent children,which allows the benefits to be paid to them if the deceased had earned at least 6 credits within the three calendar years prior to their passing. 

To gain the benefits,a specific amount of credits are needed to be eligible,depending on the age of the spouse who has passed. The younger they are,the fewer credits are needed,but the maximum required is 40. Also,just as with the Social Security Administration’s retirement SSI program,the amount of survivors benefits depends on the average lifetime earnings of the spouse who passed. The more that was earned,the higher the benefit till a maximum amount is reached. 

How Big Can the Benefits Be?

The benefits survivors receive can depend on their age and the type of relationship they had with the deceased:

Widow(er) Benefits

If at the full retirement age,the surviving spouse can receive the total amount of the deceased’s benefits. If they are between the ages of 60 and full retirement age,they can receive between 71% to 99% of the amount. A disabled spouse between 50 and 59 years of age can receive up to 71%,and a spouse caring for a child under the age of 16 at any age can receive up to 75%. A divorced spouse,if they qualify as previously mentioned,can receive the same amounts listed above.

Children and Parent Benefits

Children under the age of 18,or 19 if still in school or disabled,can receive 75% of the deceased parent’s benefit. A parent that is dependent on the deceased is eligible to receive 82% of the benefits,but if both parents are alive and were dependents,then they each can collect 75%.

As you can see,it can become quite complicated to ensure you receive your social security from your loved one. Here at Marken Law Group,we have a comprehensive understanding of social security benefits for surviving spouses. We understand how stressful benefits can be and don’t want to add to your plate during this sad and stressful time. Partner with an experienced ally that is by your side from start to finish with a qualified social security lawyer to help you through this process to secure your benefits.

Marken Law Group | No Benefits

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