Month: August 2021

9 SEO Best Practices For Stronger Organic Traffic in 20229 SEO Best Practices For Stronger Organic Traffic in 2022

In the year 2022, it will still be critical to follow the SEO Best Practices to ensure your website is gaining strong organic traffic. These practices include developing content based on target keywords, using effective titles and headings, writing compelling meta descriptions, and optimizing all images. If you follow these best practices, your site will have strong organic traffic in the next decade. However, if you are looking to get a head start today, here are nine essential steps to take.

Develop content based on target keyword research

When it comes to SEO, content will always be the number one priority. To succeed, marketers must provide readers with engaging and authentic experiences. Content marketing for 2022 should focus on providing high-quality content for website visitors. The key to finding the right topics is proper keyword research and understanding your audience’s intent. By developing content based on user intent, you will increase your chances of success.

A proper keyword research strategy is the bedrock of any SEO strategy. The best way to ensure that you’re getting the most out of your content strategy is to create content that’s focused on topics your target audience searches for most often. Often, large brands over-produce content, which is a mistake that can result in poor SEO ROI. Using advanced keyword research techniques will help you cover topics more thoroughly, avoid cannibalization of keywords, and increase engagement and conversion rates.

Use effective titles and headings

Longer headlines are not as effective in driving traffic to your site as short ones. In search, brevity beats length, but human readers require more descriptive content. An article with seven words or fewer in its H1 gets 36% more organic traffic than one with fourteen words or more. While writing your H1, keep in mind that it is your headline that will generate most of your traffic. A blog post’s title should tell the reader exactly what the article is about. To boost your click-through rate, create separate blog post and meta titles for different types of content.

Assuming you’ve already written an article, you may want to consider using a title with an h: (heading) tag. Titles containing the word “guide” or “how-to” are more likely to generate 3x as many organic clicks as articles with shorter titles. Alternatively, you can also use a “how to” or “guide” title to attract 1.5x more organic traffic. In either case, make sure your title is interesting enough to get a reader to click on it.

Write strong meta descriptions

When writing meta descriptions, make sure to focus on targeted keywords. Google will highlight your target keywords and make them more prominent, so make sure to include secondary keywords. Also, use action words and CTAs where applicable. Meta descriptions should be a concise but persuasive invitation to the reader to visit your site. While writing meta descriptions, avoid using vague or deceptive language. If you do use deceptive language, Google may simply ignore your meta description and penalize you in the search results.

A compelling meta description will increase the click-through rate of a website. The higher the CTR, the more likely someone will click on it and visit your page. Google considers click-through rate when ranking a website. A high CTR can boost your content up the SERPs. It’s worth putting some thought into your meta descriptions and using AI tools to help you write them.

Optimize all images

Search engines like Google are reducing the prominence of the title attribute and are instead focusing on page speed. Smaller image sizes can improve load time, which is a ranking factor in Google. Compressed images use less bandwidth and reduce server storage. Alt text reads to visitors with visual impairments when images cannot be loaded. It can reduce loading time by several seconds. Listed below are a few tips to optimize your images for stronger organic traffic in 2022.

Include a number of internal links

When designing your website, include a number of internal links that point to related content. Google doesn’t specify how many internal links you should include, but they should be relevant to your content and the length of your site. Internal links are especially important if you want to introduce new concepts and boost your brand’s expertise. In addition, internal links will send search engine spiders to your pages, which helps them gain valuable information about your content and influence your SERP promotion.

To optimize your internal links, use descriptive anchor text that points to relevant pages. It’s important to remember that too many links dilution the link equity. Using the same anchor text on multiple pages dilutes your link equity, so only include up to five internal links per page. You should also avoid using exact match anchor text because it will dilute your link equity. For instance, if you have a high-level article, link to it from a page that provides more in-depth information about the topic.

Provide a user-friendly design

To provide a user-friendly design for your website, consider the cumulative layout shift. This metric measures how stable a page’s layout is, and how often it shifts unexpectedly, which might cause a user to tap something else. The best way to boost your ranking in search engines is to provide the most effective results for your users. Focus on content and quality over quantity and you will see a boost in your rankings.

Optimize page speed

You’ve heard it before – if a site takes longer than three seconds to load, 40% of users will leave and never return, and 80% will never come back. If your website takes longer than three seconds to load, Google will penalize you by lowering your rankings, which will negatively affect your visibility and organic traffic. Here are some tips to improve page speed:

Make use of navigation and sitemaps

Your website’s product pages are the lifeline of your e-commerce business. To increase conversion rates and boost your rankings, optimize your product pages with the proper features and descriptions. Include customer reviews on your website as this helps search engines understand your product’s quality. User-generated content is also beneficial to your SEO efforts. Make sure your navigation is simple and intuitive so that visitors can find what they’re looking for.

Your navigation and sitemaps should be mobile-friendly. Since over half of internet users now access the web via a mobile device, making your website mobile-friendly will boost your organic traffic. To increase organic traffic, make your website responsive, flexible, and easy to use. Keep in mind that mobile users don’t have a keyboard or shortcuts. Avoid popups. The more your mobile users interact with your website, the stronger your organic traffic will be.

Navigation and sitemaps are an effective way to improve search engine visibility and organic traffic. Make sure your 301 redirects are working. Also, use a keyword planner. This tool will help you identify your ideal target keywords and align your content with search intent. The content should be related to the main topic and should contain the primary keywords. Featured snippets can also help boost organic traffic.
